Our Dental Services

To keep you smiling, every day.

Dental Services

With our wide range of individual and family dental care services , you’ll never have to go anywhere else. We do everything from cosmetic and pediatric dentistry to root canal therapy and orthodontic dentistry.



After your initial consultation, your Certified Lumineers Dentist will take an impression of your upper and lower teeth, and send the mold to an authorized Lumineers laboratory along with photos and other records that ensure the very best case for you. Unlike traditional veneers, there is typically no need for extensive drilling, shots or unsightly acrylic temporaries.
On your next visit, generally a couple weeks later, your dentist will place your Lumineers. Before Lumineers are bonded in place, it is important to try them on to ensure a good fit. Teeth are then moderately etched to prepare for placement and then bonded one by one. Your dentist will then check your bite to make sure your contacts are balanced to avoid chipping your Lumineers through the course of daily function.

Teeth Whitening

Advanced Whitening is a chair side bleaching process that lightens the discoloration of tooth enamel through the use of a special light and a whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide.

First, a protective coating is painted on to the patient’s gums surrounding the treatment area. This protective coating is allowed to harden, and serves to shield the gums.

The whitening gel is then applied to the teeth, and a special light is applied to enhance the whitening process. This light aids in activating the hydrogen peroxide and helps it penetrate the surface of the tooth.


Cosmetic Dentistry

With cosmetic dentistry, we focus on dental procedures that restore teeth to their natural beauty and enhance a smile’s esthetic appeal, while also maintaining optimum health and functionality. Cosmetic dentistry can improve your self-image because updating your smile often has a positive emotional and psychological impact. Research indicates that people with bright, white smiles are often seen as smarter, more attractive, and more successful.

If you feel embarrassed by how your teeth look, consider our cosmetic dentistry services. The modern dental procedures and techniques your dentist uses can remove imperfections and create a fabulous, new image. With a customized plan and advanced materials, our cosmetic dentist will completely revitalize your oral health and appearance.

6-Month Smile

Are you one of the millions of adults who are unhappy, self-conscious or even embarrassed of your smile?

Many adults spend their entire lives covering their mouths when they laugh, smile or talk.  They feel stuck because they do not want to wear metal braces for years or they are concerned that other corrective procedures could be too invasive or too expensive.  Now, there is an effective, safe and affordable cosmetic solution that fits your lifestyle.

A revolutionary combination of proven orthodontic techniques, modern materials, and innovative thought – Six Month Smiles utilizes nearly invisible clear braces to gently straighten and align teeth in an average time of just six months.

Take the first step towards improving your smile, your confidence and your life.


Smile Makeover

When you look and feel your best, people notice the difference. Modern cosmetic dentistry can totally transform your smile if you want to change your image. If you are considering more than one procedure, you may want a smile makeover, a comprehensive combination of cosmetic dental procedures intended to enhance your smile’s beauty and appearance. The makeover will focus on correcting various problems, including broken, chipped, crooked, missing, or discolored teeth.

With a smile makeover, your dentist can also fix uneven, unsightly gums. The makeover process can also dramatically change the length, width, color, and shape of your teeth to produce a uniform, vibrant appearance. Your dentist will talk with you about whether you want a more feminine look, a more attractive smile line, or whiter teeth. A smile makeover, however, is not just cosmetic in approach. During the evaluation, your dentist will also check for functional problems such as a bad bite or malocclusion.


Coverley Dental is an Invisalign preferred provider in Barbados. Our cosmetic dentist are all experienced and experts in teeth straightening using the Invisalign technology. Invisalign technology has been available for more than 15 years and has proven to be an effective teeth straightening method. Invisalign with our best dentist in Barbados, means careful supervision and attention to detail.

To schedule an appointment contact us or call our dental office at 246-271-6462.

Many adults or older teens would like to improve their smiles but hate the idea of traditional orthodontia. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that is a great alternative to metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, patients don’t have to endure painful, ugly metal wires or bands. Virtually invisible, the Invisalign system works through a series of custom aligners.


General Dentistry

Our Barbados dental office is devoted to provide the best general and family dentistry services. As your primary dental care provider, we are responsible for the general diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and management of a wide range of dental conditions, disorders, and diseases that affect the teeth, gums, jaw, and face. We provide the coordination of services related to the oral health needs for patients of all ages so everyone in your entire family can visit our practice in Barbados.

With a highly educated, well-trained team, we will develop the best course of treatment for your complete dental needs. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today!


Professional Cleanings

Professional dental cleaning is the removal of dental plaque(a soft, sticky, bacteria infested film) and tartar(calculus) from the teeth. Dental cleanings are necessary to prevent cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease. If left untreated, severe gum disease can result in tooth loss.  Cleaning and polishing of the teeth leaves the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so that bacteria are unable to stick to them.

The dental hygienist or dentist will use specialized instruments to gently remove these deposits without harming the teeth.

Tooth Extractions

A tooth extraction refers to the procedure of removing a tooth from its socket.

First, a local anesthetic is applied to make the procedure more comfortable. In some cases your dentist will elect to use nitrous oxide gas in addition to the anesthetic.
A dental instrument called an elevator is used to wiggle the tooth in its socket. After the tooth is loosened it is removed using forceps.

Like most other procedures, tooth extraction is not free of possible complications. You should be aware that there is a slight chance of infection, tenderness, prolonged bleeding, dry socket and loosening of neighboring teeth or their fillings or crowns.


Dental Hygiene

No treatment will be effective unless you follow it up with routine and proper home care. This means you should brush and floss regularly after every meal and at a minimum twice a day. The key is not only to do it regularly but also to do it right. Here’s how.

To properly floss you should wind the floss around both of your index fingers and push it between each of your teeth in your mouth. Make sure to freely move the floss upwards, downwards and even sideways to remove any food particles or plaque that may be lodged between your teeth or under the gums.

White Fillings

White fillings can also be called dental composite and they are the tooth-coloured resins used to fill cavities. This composite resin is made of a blend of plastics and fillers such as silica and dimethylglyoxime which bond with the tooth’s surface.

White fillings are appealing especially because they are the same colour as the teeth and therefore basically unnoticeable.

Since they attach right to the tooth, patients with a broken tooth can receive a white filling to restore the tooth’s shape, which may not be an option with silver fillings.


Gum Disease Treatment

An estimated three out of four adults have some level of gum disease, and many don’t realize it. Gum disease is the inflammation and infection of the gums and the surrounding tissue. Generally caused by bacterial plaque, it is the biggest cause of adult tooth loss.

Plaque, a thin, colorless film, is caused by bacteria in your mouth and it develops on your teeth. Left untreated, bacterial plaque will harden to tartar. A rough, porous mineral buildup usually yellow or brown in color, tartar forms at and underneath the gum line.


Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard

When you wake up in the morning, do you experience pain in your jaw joint? Do you have difficulty opening or closing your mouth? Do you have sensitivity in your teeth or do they look shorter? Do you get routine headaches? These could be clear signs of grinding or bruxing. If un-controlled, you can damage your jaw joint, your teeth or any dental work you have received from your dentist.


Laser Dentistry

A laser is an instrument that produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy. When laser light comes in contact with tissue, it causes a reaction. The light produced by the laser can remove or shape tissue.

Yes, lasers have been used in dentistry since 1990. Lasers can be used as a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of dental procedures and are often used in conjunction with other dental instruments.


Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your third molars, commonly known as your wisdom teeth, are typically the last teeth to erupt in your mouth. If healthy and functional your wisdom teeth can be useful. However, there are also reasons behind why you may need to consider removing your wisdom teeth. In some cases your wisdom teeth are in fact healthy, but because of orthodontic treatment they need to be removed.

In other cases, your wisdom teeth can become impacted or only partially erupt through the gum in a misalignment. When impacted or partially impacted, your wisdom teeth can cause swelling, pain and even infection of the surrounding gum. 


Sedation Dentistry

Without regular trips to the dentist, your smile’s brilliance may diminish and your oral health can suffer. Sedation dentistry, a term that describes the methods used to manage patient pain and anxiety, allows dentist to keep help people relax while at the same time allowing patients to respond to physical stimulation and verbal command.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is the most commonly performed procedure amongst all endodontic treatment procedures. An endodontist performs root canal treatment to treat problems related to the soft inner pulp of a tooth.

Root canal treatment is required when nerve tissue inside the teeth degenerates. Without root canal treatment, the infection in the tooth pulp can result in an abscess, which in turn can cause damage to the jawbone. You will need a root canal to save your tooth and to ensure that the tissue around the root of the tooth remains healthy and free from inflammation.


Complete and Partial Dentures

Like many things in life, the importance of something is never truly appreciated until it is gone. If you’ve lost your teeth, whether due to injury, tooth decay or gum disease, you surely understand. The good news is that you have options to replace them. Dentures can help restore your way of life by helping you with day-to-day functions, such as eating and speaking, as well as help restore your confidence by improving your appearance and smile.

Making a denture is a process that usually takes about 6-12 weeks, however this can vary from one patient to another.

It also depends on the type of the denture and the technique the dentist or the laboratory technician uses to make the denture.


Preventative Dentistry for Children

Dental prevention is just as important for children as it is for adults. Having a child start going to the dentist at an early age and regularly is a very important step in a lifetime of preventative dentistry. A typical program for children contains many steps, both in and out of the dental office.

A healthy smile in a child can be maintained using preventative dentistry. Children with healthy teeth chew their food properly, and learn to talk more clearly and quickly. Preventative dentistry also minimizes future costly and extensive dental treatment for your child.

Porcelain Veneers

Chips, stains, or gaps between teeth don’t have to mean an end to your vibrant smile. Porcelain veneers, thin shells of ceramic material placed over the natural tooth surface, can remove these flaws and restore your smile’s appearance. Designed to mimic the natural translucency of enamel, porcelain veneers look and feel like your natural teeth.

If you want to straighten crooked teeth, repair cracks, or remove deep discolorations, porcelain veneers can completely transform your smile. Blending artistry and science, your dentist will select veneers that compliment your other teeth, facial features and personality.


TMJ Treatment

An estimated 10 million persons suffer from TMD. Caused by strenuous physical activities, stressful situations, overuse of the muscles, and grinding of the teeth, temporomandibular disorder (TMD) results in discomfort  for people with this disorder. This condition occurs because of dysfunction with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the joint that makes it possible to chew. This joint allows your jaw to open and close, and allows jaw movement forward, backward, and sideways. The TMJ only works properly if the lower jaw and its movements are synchronized.

Our dentist can recommend treatment for TMD. A night time mouth guard can help stop the teeth grinding. More severe cases can be treated with physical therapy, ice and hot packs, and posture training. TMD is usually cyclical and may return when the patient experiences stress.


Porcelain Crowns

As you age, your teeth age too. Decay, fillings, trauma or even just normal chewing habits can make your teeth break down over time. A porcelain dental crown or a cap is a cover that is placed over a tooth to protect a weakened tooth from further fracturing or deteriorating. A Porcelain crown could also be used to replace a discolored or badly shaped tooth or protect a tooth that has had a root canal. Lastly, a new porcelain crown is necessary to simply replace an old worn down or defective crown. All porcelain crowns are generally considered the most aesthetic choice since they closely resemble the color and appearance of your teeth. Porcelain continues to improve and in fact, there are newly developed porcelain materials, such as zirconium and empress 2 that can better withstand the forces of chewing.


Oral Cancer Screening

Did you know that every day, every hour one person dies of oral cancer? With an estimated 30,000 persons diagnosed each year, oral cancer has a higher mortality rate than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, liver cancer, and kidney cancer. When found early, oral cancer has a 90 percent cure rate. You are at increased risk for oral cancer if you use tobacco in any form, consume heavy amounts of alcohol combined with smoking, are over age 40, and/or have prolonged exposure to the sun (lip cancer).

During an oral cancer exam, your dentist will carefully examine the tongue, inside of your mouth, and your lips to look for spots or sores that are flat, painless, white, or red. Many of these spots or sores are harmless, but some aren’t so you will likely need a test to determine if a problem exists.


Porcelain and Composite Inlays

Inlays are custom fit fillings made in a laboratory. First, the decay is cleaned from your tooth and then an impression of the tooth is made and sent to the lab. In the interim a temporary filling is used to fill in the space and protect your tooth from fracture or further deterioration.

There are several types of materials to fabricate an inlay. Which are porcelain and composite inlays.

Sleep Apnea

If you wake up as tired as when you went to bed, you may suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which the patient experiences shallow breathing or pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses can occur several times during sleep, leading to health complications and lifestyle hindrances.

After a diagnosis of sleep apnea, your doctor will review treatment surgical and non-surgical options. Non-surgical treatments include medications, behavioral changes, dental appliances, and use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).


Pediatric Dentistry Treatment

Pediatric dental exams are more extensive than just looking at the teeth. Our Dentist in Barbados provides pediatric dentistry treatment service. First our expert dentist performs a review of the child’s health history to determine if there is a need for any special dental care. The examination will note the health and condition of the teeth, gums, soft tissues, head and neck.

Our dentist also monitors the growth of the jaws and development of the teeth, and evaluates any oral habits, such as thumb sucking. Our pediatric dentist will use all of these factors to make a diagnosis and create a custom treatment plan and instructions for home care.


New Patient Exam

At Coverley Dental Clinic, we welcome our new patients to our office. Our friendly staff is dedicated to caring for you and your entire family’s oral health and well-being. Our dentist provides a comprehensive new patient exam and consultation to assess your dental health and create a customized treatment plan for you. To understand what to expect from your first visit to our practice, please read through this page. You’ll find all the practical information you need. For more detail, contact us at 246-271-6462.

A clinical exam is more commonly referred to as a routine check up. A new patient exam lets your dentist essentially take inventory of the overall health of your mouth and teeth and diagnose any potential problems you may have.


Dental Crowns and Bridges

A dental crown is tooth-shaped cap that is permanently cemented over a tooth, in order to restore the tooths strength, shape and size, and improve its appearance. The crown will cover the visible portion of the tooth above and right at the gum line, once it is cemented into place.

Crowns are used to hold weak, broken or cracked teeth together to avoid further fracturing. Crowns are also used to support large fillings, attach a bridge, or cover discolored or deformed teeth. Crowns may also be placed over dental implants.

Crowns generally last about five to eight years, and with good oral hygiene most crowns last longer. Certain habits such as fingernail biting, chewing ice, and grinding teeth can do damage to the crown, and should be avoided.